Join CUTriC

Becoming a member of CUTriC allows you to purchase a tri-suit and race for the club in both Varsity and BUCS races. Membership fees facilitate the continued growth of the club and allows us to subsidise transport to races. CUTriC members are also able to swim in the CUTriC-hired swim lanes, use club turbos as well as hire a club bike. You can join as a member here and sign up for our mailing list here.

Basic membership allows to purchase club kit and join our training sessions, whilst Racing membership additionally covers entry to all club organised races like Cuppers Duathlon and Aquathlon, but is also needed to participate in Varsity/BUCS. 

You can take part in club organised races with basic membership, but then the entry to a single race is £7. 

You can also upgrade your membership during the year to a racing one for £15.